Dr. Pradyumna Tripathy

M.Sc (Ag.) in Horticulture and
Ph.D. in Vegetable Crops, presently working as Professor,
Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture under Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha has a brilliant academic career standing first in all the examinations. He is now offering various courses on Vegetable Science at Graduate, Post graduate and PhD levels. Dr. P.Tripathy also successfully handled 100% ICAR Sponsored project “All India Network Research Project on Onion & Garlic” as Principal Investigator from 2008-
09 to 2012-13.
He has an excellent experience of 28 years in the field of research, extension and teaching in Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology as Junior Scientist (Horticulture), Training Associate (Horticulture), Programme Coordinator in KVK and now as Professor contributing to University’s triple
mandate of Teaching, Research and Extension.
As a teacher, he has taught more than 15 different courses in Fruits and Vegetable Science to the undergraduate students of both B.Sc (Agriculture) and B.Sc (Horticulture), M.Sc(Ag) in Vegetable Science as well as PhD in Vegetable Science. He delivered several lectures in the Trainer’s Training Programme and Farmers’ Training programme as a master trainer to State
Government Officials, NGO workers and farmers. He also delivers radio and TV talks on various aspects of vegetable crops. He has published 108 research papers in various National & International reputed journals. He has also
published 06 practical manuals for B.Sc (Hort.) students, 2 book chapters on organic farming in vegetable crops. He also attended a number of International and National seminars, symposiums and workshops.
The author is the life member of several professional bodies and societies and has been examiner in different universities. Dr P. Tripathy is also the author of seven books namely, “Organic Farming in India: Problems & Prospects” by
U.Thapa & P.Tripathy; “Production Technology of Tropical & Sub-Tropical Vegetable Crops” by U.Thapa & P.Tripathy; “Production Technology of Temperate Vegetables” by U.Thapa & P.Tripathy, “Physiological disorders & Mineral deficiency of Vegetables” by U. Thapa & P.Tripathy; “Glimpse of Vegetable Science -Edited by U.Thapa & P.Tripathy” ; “Glimpses of
Horticulture” – Edited by U.Thapa, P.Tripathy and C.P.Suresh and “Production Technology of Potato & Tuber Crops” – Edited by Umesh Thapa, Reva Mondal and P.Tripathy.